Robert Liu Lawyers

Mr. Robert Liu (MARN 0425543) is a solicitor and an Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law. Mr. Robert and his legal team can assist our clients with satisfying the requirements of Australia Visa.

  • A senior solicitor;
  • An Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law recognized by The Law Society of NSW;
  • Completed his LLB in 1984;
  • Was admitted to practice in NSW in 1990. Mr. Robert has gained a high reputation in immigration law industry;
  • In 1995, he completed his MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management;
  • He practices in all areas of immigration law, including merits and judicial review. He has extensive experience in business migration and employer sponsored visas;
  • Mr. Robert is a guest speaker on immigration issues at various community events;
  • A lecturer at the Australian National University where he teaches the Graduate Certificate in Applied Immigration Law;
  • Robert is multilingual. He is fluent in the following languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian and Malay.

How Mr. Robert can help: